
Sunday 15 September 2013

Breakup Quotes

Let him go, get him out of your head; Remember you're not in his. Forget his birthday, his phone number, and the sweet things he said; Remember those were lies. Delete his texts, take his contact out of your phone ; Remember he's talking to all those other girls instead. Quit wishing he'll come back, stop putting yourself down. Remember it's not your fault; he had no good reason to leave. Just stop it, stop it all, and erase him from your past. Block out his name, ignore his texts, plug your ears when someone mentions him because trust me, you're doing perfectly fine without him. Take every object and memory you have of him and throw it in the trash, and then maybe, if you're lucky, you'll escape him.

Words go from babe to bitch, I love you to I hate you, I need you to forget you, you're my everything to you're nothing.

Thanks for making me feel like I was worth something, then taking it away...jerk.

True love is something that's hard to stumble upon nowadays....guess I'll just have to wait for it to find me.

Everything was perfect, we were as happy as can be, then you remembered her and forgot about me.

She's a keeper too bad you didn't keep her. Now she will be with a man that really knows how to treat her.

Im disappointed that you were exactly what everyone said you were....

One day, I hope you look back at what we had, and regret every single thing you did to let it end.

I don't hate you, I'm disappointed cause you turned into everything you said you'd never be. Don't come looking for forgiveness because I won't give it. It's too late.

From your mind I was easily erased and from your heart I was easily replaced..