
Sunday 15 September 2013

Breakup Quotes

Love doesn't lie, people do. Love doesn't leave, people do. Love won't hurt you, people will.

This is ridiculous. Its been months and for some reason I just cant get over us. I'm stronger then this. Enough is enough; know more walking around with my head down, I'm so over being blue crying over you.

Wanting her is hard to forget, loving her is hard to regret, losing her is hard to accept, but letting go is the most painful.

Even though it hurts to know that you aren't mine anymore, I think I'm going to be okay with out you. I know you're not coming back, you are the one who left but I realized that you don't care for me or even love me anymore. I can't keep dwelling on it, I just have to live with it. I'm not going to keep wishing for something I know won't come true because I know one day I'll find that girl who'll be different from the rest, but until then I'm not going to keep living in the past, I'm going to pick my head up and just move on.

Even though you aren't by my side anymore, memories, moments, everything about you will continue to stay in my heart and live there forever.

Just because you left me crying, doesn't mean I can't smile again.

On a scale of 1 to Adele, how tough was your breakup?

I hope that one day she will realize that the love of one good man is worth more than the empty attention gained from many others...

Fuck you. I gave you everything I could. I'm so done with you and your lies I knew I couldnt trust you. Bye.

Days ago you acted scared to loose me, hours ago you were unsure if you even cared, minutes later...We're both single.