
Sunday 15 September 2013

Breakup Quotes

If you leave someone at least tell them why, because what's more painful than being abandoned; is knowing you're not worth an explanation.

I had a lot of reasons to give up on you, but I still chose to stay. You had a lot of reasons to stay, but you chose to give up.

Loving you made me strong but it also made me weak. It made me happy but also depressed. It helped me up but also pulled me down. It taught me how to hold on but now it's teaching me how to let go.

I'm moving on. No more waiting, no more hurt. If you wanted me, you could've had me, but you didn't. You blew your chance.

Your lies? You told that. Your bullshit? Won't take that. Your stories? I've heard that. Your excuses? Save that. You're my ex, just face that.

Treat me like a joke, watch me leave you like its funny

Im wide awake and now it's clear to me, that everything you see, ain't always what it seems.

A pretty girl can kiss a guy, a bird can kiss a butterfly, the rising sun can kiss the grass, but you my 'friend,' you can kiss my ass.

I wonder if you knew how many times I thought about you, how many nights i've stayed awake thinking about you, how many times i've sat there and cried about you... I wonder if you knew how much I loved you...

You may not miss me when I'm gone, but you will miss me when I move on.