
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

You just got to live your life not caring what they think, shake off the drama and prove to them your better than they think you are.

It's almost Summer! Time to find out what my friends with swimming pools have been up to since last summer...

To kill a enemy, you make them your friend.

Be selective with whom you share your problems, because only few people care others are just curious.

That person that ignores you, is the same person who you trusted!

I just wanna die to see which of my friends care enough to come to my funeral.

In the end you will see who's fake, who's true, and who you would risk it all for.

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.

Actions prove who someone is. Words prove who someone wants to be. On the same token, an honest enemy is much better than a fake friend.

People change, even the person you thought you knew the most, changes. And even though it hurts to see them go; you have to move on, for the memories are all you have, and things might never be the same.