
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

Cannot trust anyone these days. Fake is becoming the new trend.

I got all those bitches...SHAKING IN FEAR! Quick to talk shit...YET SCARED TO COME NEAR!

What goes around comes around. That's what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.

Ive got more respect for someone who comes out and says they don't like me than for the ones who act like they do but talk bad about me when I'm not around.

You just gotta deal with the shit people do. Not everyone in life is gonna stay true.

Why be fake? In the end, the truth comes out and when that happens, you're standing alone.

When your friends are ignoring you that means they weren't your friends from the beginning, they where just acting like it.

What's the point in being two faced just say it to my face, not to my friends you know I will find out about it anyway!

I asked God to protect me from my enemies and then I started losing friends.

You start backstabbing me and going against your word, thinking "Oh she'll never find out" but guess what....I heard.