
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

Don't think for a second your back won't be stabbed, because people change, and feelings fade, but don't worry new friendships are made.

Fake friends believe the rumors told about you, and judge you for them. Real friends hear the rumors told about you and defend you, knowing they're not true.

No matter how hard I seem to try, you turn around and twist my words into a lie. Are friendships supposed to be like this? Cuz if they are...then I quit.

When your're nothing, people will ignore you but when you're on top that's when everybody swear they know you.

Don't think you're sneaky, I see your little games, like when you walk around saying 'you heard this and that' but can't mention any names.

Want to make enemies? Make some friends first.

I want to throw all my friends on water, to let me know which plastics will float.

If you are gonna be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

Fake people have a hard time attaching themselves to people who have good self-esteem. Because people who feel good about themselves won't put up with them.

There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up, it's realizing that you don't need certain people In your life, Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people that only call when they need something. Fair weather friends only want to come around when they need your sun to shine on their dark and gloomy days. In the end, you'll realize you only have a few true friends. But that's better than having many fake ones.