
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you.This is how they will speak about you to other people.

There's always those friends who are secretly happy to see you fall down. No friends are worse than them.

Your life is the most exclusive event you'll ever attend. Not everyone is meant to be on the red carpet beside you.

I just wish people would be real with me.

Popularity doesn't mean anything when your surrounded by fake friends who can care less about who you are in the inside, but accept what you look like on the outside.

People talk a lil too much...you never know just who to trust.

Delete me , Poke me, Like me, Limit me ..The choice is yours... Welcome to Facebook, where no one is really your friend.

Don't be afraid of the enemy that fights you, but the fake friend that hugs you.

In this world you really dont know who to trust anymore.

I don't want a fake friendship. You either like me, or you don't. Be my friend all the time, or none of the time. Stop the bi-polar act, make up your mind!