
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

Its funny how the person who says they have your back will be the same person that stabs you in it.

If you've got a problem with me, tell me. Don't go putting it around on Facebook and then expect me to know that you're mad at me.

You can list your friends but you can't count on them.

Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.

My back is not a voicemail. Say it to my face bitch.

An honest enemy is better than a false friend. When in doubt, pay more attention to what people do and less to what they say. Actions not only speak louder than words, they are more difficult to fake.

Backstabbers will almost always seek to gain your trust, and this usually involves some form or flattery on their part.

Cant stand people who pretend to like you, being fake is not a respectable quality being honest is.

True friends cry when you leave. Fake friends leave when you cry.

Broken heart again. Another lesson learned. Better know your friends. Or you will get burned.