
Friday 13 September 2013

Fake Friends Quotes

Fake people enjoy others who get sucked into their drama. Cut conversations short that deal with your fake friend's usual complaints. You know. The ones they never plan to do anything about.

Friends are like boobs, some are big, some are small, some are real while some are fake.

Fake friends are a vital piece of life. They keep you on your toes and teach you to never take the real ones for granted.

I have realized that Forgiving and Forgetting is quite easy, you simply Forgive that person and Forget them.

Some people don't catch on, they rather just pretend, while things are going smooth, they smile and call you 'friend'. Funny how you never know who cares until it hurts, and when it's over, does it matter who blew off who first?

Only at difficult times you come to know who your friends are and who really cares for you.

In the end you will see who's fake, who's true, and who you would risk it all for.

An enemy, who is honest and shows his/her hate openly is better than a friend who is liar and putting you down secretly.

You keep hiding behind your lies between things you can't disguise. You keep bringing up crap and things you can't take back. What kind of friend are you? You shouldn't make me choose.

Maybe not all friendships are meant to be saved...Maybe we're meant to spend a certain part of our lives with certain people ..and move on..