
Sunday 1 September 2013

Sarcastic Quotes

On the 1st Day of new year my Facebook gave to me, 12 dudes I'm blocking, 11 friends just watching, 10 corny topics, 9 busted barbies, 8 friends complaining, 7 stalkers stalking, 6 party invites, Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive Drama Queeeensssss, 4 game requests, 3 photo tags, 2 friends-a-pokin & a creep who won't stop inboxing meeee!

Apparently twilight is so popular because teenagers can relate to it. Oh yeah I remember the time when I was a vampire.

Oh, you're dating my ex...I thought the five second rule was for food only...

I dont hate you. I just hope your next period happens in a shark tank.

Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is... your list with names of naughty girls.

Slut jokes are just whoreable.

Taylor Swift waved at a boy yesterday and he didn't wave back...So she will have a new album coming out tomorrow.

Always remember that you are unique; just like everyone else.

Oh, it's sunny outside. I better update my Facebook status for all of my friends that don't have windows.

Dear 11 year old on Facebook with 'It's complicated.' Seriously????? What did he do??? Steal your animal crackers??