
Monday 2 September 2013

Fuck Off Quotes

In the past, when you were angry with someone you fought them. Now you just delete them off Facebook. That'll teach 'em to fuck with you.

Im sorry if you dont like me Im sorry if you think I suck but most of all Im sorry, I dont give a fuck.

Trash talked by many. Hated by some. Guess how many fucks I give? It's less than one.

Just to be truthful, I don't give a fuck about what you say, or think about me. I'm a bad bitch, a real bitch, and that's all there is to me.

He said I love you. I sneezed and said Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit.

I wish everyone knew what a lying piece of shit you are.

Didn't give a fuck yesterday, Don't give a fuck today, And I probably won't give a fuck tomorrow either.

You had a good girl but you cheated on her, disrespected her, lied to her and neglected her. And you wonder why she left you?

You talk about me and yet I don't give a fuck about you.

Before I would've taken a bullet for you, now I want to pull the trigger.

In the past, when you were angry with someone you fought them. Now you just delete them off Facebook. That'll teach 'em to fuck with you.