
Friday 13 September 2013

Complicated Relationship Quotes

Don't expect your girl to play her role, when you have other girls auditioning for her part.

When the one you deeply love hurts you, it forever changes the way you deal with anyone that attempts to get close to you.

When the time comes and you'll look for me, I won't be there anymore. Not because of you... But because I'm not stupid enough to stay.

Nothing hurts more than to be friends with someone, knowing you are both in love with each other, and yet not being able to be together.

Maybe girls play so hard to get because guys play so hard to keep.

I feel like nowadays, relationships are so rushed, and that's why they end so quickly. People have sex too quick, also becoming emotionally attached too soon and not being ready to deal with the complications that comes after. I remember back then, being able to hug someone was something to look forward to, holding someone's hand was worth being bragged about and kissing someone was a big step and actually meant something. But nowadays, people don't value these things & just skip straight to sex, and then someone is more attached than the other, then it's over.

My relationship with my boyfriend is complicated and sometimes I dont even understand it. One thing I do know is that I love him, very much.

Someone can hurt you more than you deserve because you love them more than they deserve.

I hate being single but not ready for a relationship...

Yes, I want to be with you, more than anything. And, it makes me sad to say this, but it seems like you don't want to be with me. You say you love me, but you're not showing it. I'm confused, and I don't like it. Either you want to be with me, or you dont. Either you love me, or you don't. Stop playing with my heart, it's not a toy you can break and throw away or put back together. It takes time to heal it. I have feelings, and they're not toys to be played with either. But tell me, is it me you want? Or am I just something you wanted to use?