
Friday 13 September 2013

Lies Quotes

I just wish people would be real with me.

Facebook and Twitter don't destroy relationships. If anything, they just bring to light what someone's been doing all along...

I said I love you and you said it too, the only difference was that I didn't lie to you.

I honestly can't accept dishonesty. You know you are hurting someone by not speaking the truth. Deep down it's also hurting you; people won't trust and they definitely wouldn't want to be your friend. And even if you're lying just to protect/help them, they won't see it that way when they find out. Either way, they probably won't forgive or trust you again. Might as well confess while you still have a chance. or you'll find yourself deeper and deeper in your lies!

Don't steal, don't lie and don't cheat. The government hates competition

When guys lie, they say they love you. When girls lie, they say they don't.

Once I catch you in one lie, it makes me question everything you said.

Respect me enough to admit when you've done me wrong instead of lying about it...

History repeats itself. Liars will be liars, cheaters will be cheaters, and the person who has always been there for you, will always be.

I told you that I love you, but then you told me you love me too. I'm sorry, I thought we were only supposed to be talking about the truth.