
Friday 13 September 2013

Lies Quotes

Don't believe everything you hear. Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.

Love? Fuck that. Lies? I heard that. Chances? I gave that. Going back? I'm past that. Moved on? Believe that.

I've been replaced, lied to, cheated on, forgotten, and treated like I'm worthless. I'm used to it. What I'm not used to is finding someone who actually cares.

I spy with my little eye...bitches everywhere who are bored with their lives and love to spread lies.

I would rather shed a million tears over the ugly truth then smile over a million beautiful lies.

I just want an honest relationship. No lies. No mind games. No cheating.

I'd rather fuck the truth, than love a lie.

People who lie & deceive should remember it's a small world out there, with strange coincidences. What you give out, you get back, thrice-fold. Be ready for it!

At one point I meant so much to you. You would spend extra time with me & ditch your friends. You would text me all night long & tell me how obvious it was that you really liked me. You would tell your friend how pretty I was & you would always fight for me. But then you suddenly cheated, lied, and said you just got bored of me. Is that all you can say? That's fine, because I found my true love anyway.

3 common lies from guys: I'm sorry, I love you, I won't hurt you. 3 common lies from girls: I'm fine, I'm not mad at you, I don't love you.