
Friday 13 September 2013

Lies Quotes

Telling someone that you're going to bed, when you're actually not and then having to hold back from posting things on Facebook/Twitter.

Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies.

All the lies and pain you put me through, I know now that your love was never true.

Curiosity killed my innocence. Over thinking killed my happiness. Insecurities killed my self-esteem. Lies killed my trust. Stereotypes killed my individuality. And judgement killed me.

Behind every untrusting gal is a boy who lied, cheated, and broke his promise to her. that starts with a lie, ends with a lie.

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.

Somehow somewhere you have to pay for the lies you speak.

I'm okay...A girls biggest lie.

Don't tell me I'm beautiful just to get in my pants, don't lie to make me feel better, don't take my hand if your going to let it go, don't make me fall if your not going to catch me!

One lie is all it takes for a person to lose interest in you. The best thing to do is always be upfront, be real and tell the truth.