
Friday 13 September 2013

Lies Quotes

Better to be hurt by the truth than to be comforted with a lie.

Telling me lies is easier for you than to tell me the truth? Well me not trusting you is easier than getting hurt by you.

Telling the TRUTH and making someone CRY is better than telling a LIE and making someone SMILE.

A relationship with no arguments, is a relationship with a lot of secrets.

When I asked for the truth, I meant I wanted to know what happened exactly, not the version you think you should tell me.

I hope you choke on your lies.

The worse part of being lied to is when you realize you believed it.

Promises are meant to be broken, the truth is hard to find, dreams are put aside for a chance to love, but even that was a lie. Now your heart is broken and you don't know who to trust, you can believe in me, look into my eyes, I will be here for you, stay strong , stay true. The future is bright we can do anything just me and you.

Some people lie so much they dont know what the truth is anymore. For them, telling lies is just like eating Pringles!

Tell your friend a lie. If he keeps it secret, then tell him the truth.