
Friday 13 September 2013

Lies Quotes

The only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up.

The feeling when you know he's lying to you.

The definition of being stupid: seeing the truth, knowing the truth, and choosing to still believe the lies.

Lies always change, but the truth stays the same.

How sad when a liar believes they fool everyone, but they really only fool themselves.

Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.

When you lie, think about how you are hurting the other person. Always be honest. I would rather be hurt with the truth than be deceived with a lie.

What's pathetic is that you're lying to my face when I already know the truth. But what's even worse is that I convince myself that those lies --- ARE the truth.

One should have Real eyes to Realize the Real lies in love.

We put our lives in the hands of the ones that claimed they truly cared. Come to find it's all just a lie and when we needed them no one was there.