
Saturday 31 August 2013

Cheating Quotes

Cheating is easy.. Try something more like being faithful.

It's so hard to trust people nowadays because they won't tell you what's wrong in the relationship, they'll just cheat.

Hoe! I brought you a to-go box since you like my leftovers.

Such silence has an actual sound, the sound of disappearance.

He left a bit too easily and with obvious relief. His feet were swift and sure on the muddy path.

Girls cheat if theres something wrong with the relationship; guys cheat if theres an opportunity..

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl who both loved each other. Then a slut came along and ruined everything. The end.

A woman can give a man a million reasons to be faithful, and he will find one reason to cheat. A man can give a woman a million reasons to cheat, and she will find one reason to be faithful.

Some guys will cheat on their girlfriends and sleep like a baby at night but feel guilty when they go to another barber

Cheating on someone who loves you is like sneaking a Happy Meal into Olive Garden. It's like, dude you already have unlimited breadsticks.