
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Cheating Quotes

Flirting is cheating without the sex.

I gave you a chapter of my life, I wish that I could rewrite. All the shit that was done in the dark, finally came to light. And to think that Im to blame for thinking you would change.

Cheating is the most selfish thing a person can do in a relationship! If your not happy with the person your with then end it. It's that simple!

All people have feelings, they are not there to be used. If you're not longer interested in someone, they have the right to be informed before you go and cheat or go looking elsewhere.

If you can't be committed to another person, at least be committed to the concept of character and don't cheat.

Cheating on someone is not a mistake, its a choice.

Fuck you,and your lies. Just forget you ever met me, forget our memories and forget everything I ever told you! You've hurt me way too much, I won't forgive you this time...

It's time for me to let you go, I held on for so long but for what? You cheated, lied, played games, broke promises, and most of all you destroyed me. You tried to come back when things were going bad between you two, but not this time. You know, you were my love, my life, my everything, I guess that wasn't enough. Now you realize what you once had, as well know you'll never get it back. I tried to be friends with you after everything we been through, but that wasn't enough either. I put myself through pain and misery just to have you apart of my life, in return I got nothing. You'll always have a place in my heart but just know you can't ever have all of it. You lost something good and I'll gain someone better. I was once here for you but now I'm done. Now its time for me to say goodbye and I wish the best for you and pray things get better in the future

Ladies, don't ever try to get a taken man to cheat. Cause if he does cheat on her for you, he'll cheat on you for another girl too.

She really liked you before. It was a bright future for you and her, you were the one that she adored. She found out what you did behind her back, and now you've started war you have sorrys in your arsenal? Well her broken heart has a thousand bullets more!!