
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Cheating Quotes

A real man ends a relationship before he starts searching for another.

Ladies, If you have to go through his phone, email, and facebook just to know what hes really up to, then you dont need to be with him.

'It's complicated' is just code for, 'Im willing to cheat.'

A relationship does not stop a slut from being a slut.

She told me she cheated on me, and I couldn't quite put together which hurt worse. The knife she held in my heart being twisted and pushed, or the unexpected knife shoved into my back by my best friend.

Sleeping alone is better than sharing your bed with someone who shares a bed with someone else when you're not around.

Push me away, if you dont feel like you can be faithful, pull me close, if I'm the one you cant leave without, hold me tight, I wanna stay in your arms, let me go, if all you have to offer is sorrow.

If a guy cheats on another girl for you, he's more than likely to cheat on you for somebody else. As they always say, Once a cheater...always a cheater!

Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.

Cheating gets old, and once your mature enough to stay faithful and want something real, that's the time you get played.