
Monday 2 September 2013

Regret Quotes

Dress for success, to impress and to make your ex want to kick himself for letting you go.

My biggest regret is that I let days pass by, without telling you how much you meant to me. Giving up on you without even fighting is rougher that being rejected.

You can't take back words you've already said, and you can't take back someone's tears that already shed.

Ask God for forgiveness, and leave your regrets in the past!

One bad relationship can make you never want to fall in love again!

You Cannot Always Wait For The Perfect Time, Sometimes You Must Dare To Jump. Life Is All About Risks And It Requires You To Jump. Don't Be A Person Who Has To Look Back And Wonder What They Would Have Or Could Have Had. No One Wait Forever.

I gave you a chapter of my life, I wish that I could rewrite. All the shit that was done in the dark, finally came to light. And to think that Im to blame for thinking you would change.

One day you're gonna remember me, and remember how much I loved you...then you're gonna regret letting me go.

Dear cellphone companies, please make a 'Unsend my text' option.

Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you. On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you.