
Monday 2 September 2013

Regret Quotes

I go to your page because I miss you, then regret it because of what I see.

I'm never shocked when people let me down nowadays. I just hate the fact that I put myself in a position to be let down in the first place.

That moment of regret for sending a text when you don't get a reply and feeling like a fool.

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life. All are God's blessings, have a great day.

If your ex texts you saying 'I miss you' that means the other person they tried to replace you with failed.

Each time you ignore me, I regret every text message that I've ever sent you.

Never ignore someone that cares for you. Because someday you'll realize you've lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.

Everyone has that one ex they don't want the world to know they dated.

We all had a crush, who we thought was absolutely gorgeous at the time, but afterwards...we were all like, 'Ewww, how did I like him?'

Ever looked back at your ex and asked yourself was I drunk the entire relationship?

You may not miss me when I'm gone, but you will miss me when I move on.