
Monday 2 September 2013

Letting Go Quotes

Im not going to stress over you anymore. It isnt worth it. I tried to work something out but you just ignored it. Im not trying to say I dont want you, because I definitely do. All Im saying is Im done chasing after you.

If hes dumb enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go.

Im fighting to get you out of my head but Im holding onto every word that you ever said.

Im not going to be that rebound girl, the girl you just come to when you want her, the girl who loves you with everything she has but yet you give nothing. Im not willing to be that girl anymore. Sorry, sweetie, but Im gone.

Because every breath I take proves that I can live without you.

I want to say I deserve better and mean it. I want to say I give up and believe it. I want to say Im moving on and do it.

Im done with tears. Im wiping my eyes. If he doesnt care then why the hell should I?

Heres a piece of advice let go when youre hurting too much, give up when love isnt enough, and move on when things arent like before. Surely there is someone out there who will love you more.

Every girl has that one guy she goes back to, heartbreak after heartbreak and nobody knows why, not even her. And she just can't let go.

And I have come to realize that hes just a guy, a special one maybe, but hes not mine. And I dont need to do things to make him love me. If he wanted to he would.

I was once with a person I gave everything too! He was always first when I was last, he had my whole heart when I only had half of his, and when it all fell apart he took my heart wit him.The pieces are slowly starting to be put back together and I wouldn't change the way I treated him because I loved him. One day someone will put me first, give me his whole heart and I will fall in love all over again.