
Thursday 5 September 2013

Letting Go Quotes

I don't chase after anyone, if you wanna walk out my life then I'll hold the f*cking door open for you.

I cared, you didn't. I cried, you laughed. I was hurt, you smiled. I moved on, you realized. Too late.

You don't listen when I talk, maybe you'll listen when I walk.

Don't feel special I only keep your number in my phone so I know not to answer when you call.

Thank you for loving me, hating me, hurting me, and teaching me how to let go of someone that wasn't right for me.

The toughest part of letting go is realizing the other person already did...

I hate the fact that I have to leave. But if I dont, I never will. Its time to move on. I have to move on.

If your relationship has more issues than your magazine, you need to cancel your subscription.

Someday you'll miss her like she missed you. Someday you'll need her like she needed you. Someday you'll love her and she won't love you.

I was once with a person I gave everything too! He was always first when I was last, he had my whole heart when I only had half of his, and when it all fell apart he took my heart wit him.The pieces are slowly starting to be put back together and I wouldn't change the way I treated him because I loved him. One day someone will put me first, give me his whole heart and I will fall in love all over again.