
Saturday 7 September 2013

Being Hurt Quotes

I don't regret falling for you because that was the best part. It was the moment when you said you caught me and then let go without even trying to hold on.

Isn't it ironic that women always want to hurt the loyal guys but keep around the jerks.

Being hurt is always a part of being in love; just bear in mind, every time you broke up with the wrong one; you get one step closer to the right one.

I've dried my eyes & I've realized I deserve somebody that will treat me right.

It's funny how the one you need doesn't need you. How that one person brought out the best and the worst in you. How the only person who can fix the pain is the one who caused it.

Being in-love with someone who doesnt want you is the worst feeling ever.

The worst feeling is not being alone, it's being forgotten by someone you could not forget.

The worst feeling is not being lonely. It's when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you and you have to pretend you don't mind at all.

At one point I meant so much to you. You would spend extra time with me & ditch your friends. You would text me all night long & tell me how obvious it was that you really liked me. You would tell your friend how pretty I was & you would always fight for me. But then you suddenly cheated, lied, and said you just got bored of me. Is that all you can say? That's fine, because I found my true love anyway.

I'm holding onto a dream that won't come true. Wanting you to want me, the way I want you.