
Sunday 8 September 2013

Being Hurt Quotes

I hate feeling like there's no hope in my life. Always being lied too, always being yelled at, always being let down all the time...what's the point to always get close to someone who'll just hurt me again? I wish I could say I'm done, but really I just wanna be your only one...

Its not love that hurts. What hurts is being hurt by someone you love.

I wish I could go back to the day I met you and just walk away. Honestly, it would've saved me so much hurt and pain.

There's a time where all I want to do is lay here and cry, because the only one who would cheer me up is the one who put me down.

Right now I'm done believing you, loving you, trusting you, missing you. You don't even know what I'm feeling and you probably won't even understand. I'm less of a person thanks to you; nothing in world can match up to this pain.

One day, I'll start messing with your feelings and you'll get mad because I finally learned how to play your game.

You treat me like shit for no reason, yet I'm still in love with you. Stop breaking my heart. I just want to love you.

Trying to forget being hurt by someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.

If someone you love hurts you, one of the best things you can do is to move on and find happiness elsewhere. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you suffer.

You used to be the reason why I smile every morning, now you're the reason why I cry at night.