
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Being Hurt Quotes

When I hear people ask why does love hurt, my answer to that is, Love doesn't hurt you. A person that doesn't know how to love hurts you. Don't get it twisted.

Oh. So you chose a hoe for the night over the love of your life? Good choice.

Are you happy? Are you satisfied that you hurt her? You turned a girl who was so head over heels for you, to a girl who cries her self to sleep every night just thinking about you. You turned an innocent girl who wanted to love someone and be happy, to a girl whos scared to love someone because shes afraid to get heart broken again. Shes broken. She doesnt know who to trust anymore. Are you happy? You changed her.

Take all the time you need to heal emotionally. Moving on doesn't take a day. It takes a lot of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self...

There's no point in holding onto someone that has already let you go.

I never had you, therefore I couldn't lose you - so why then does my heart hurt so much.

'He hurt you... He lied to you... He used you... He just doesn't care.' I tell myself the truth everyday...but I don't want to believe it. I forgave him for hurting me, because I love him. I always loved him.

It's funny that the person who hurts you is the one who swore they never would.

I feel like I'm a library book. I've been used, tossed around, and put down. I'm just waiting for someone who think I'm good enough to keep.

Sometimes the one you love ends up hurting you the most...and sometimes, the friend who takes one into their arms and cries when you cry, turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted.