
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Being Hurt Quotes

It sucks when you're being ignored by the only person you want attention from. It hurts getting absolutely no love from the only person you're in love with. It's sad when you get no conversation from the only one you want to talk to.

You have given and taken a lot from me. You gave me a reason to smile, but you took away my ability to love anybody else

Always falling too deep in a relationship, always ending up being the one that's hurt the most.

When you are left by the one you love the most, you sit there every single day thinking about them. You wonder what they are doing and if they are thinking about you. The worst part is, is knowing that they will be already searching for a new mate. It tears you apart inside, its something you can't get rid of for along time. You are so depressed, you don't even feel like yourself. Love hurts, especially knowing people are so stuck up to leave the ones that they know would give them what no others could.

We talk but it's not the same, we laugh but that's only to hide the pain, our memories fade, I love you but you changed.

You can replace me but you can't replace the memories you had with me.

I love you, yes. But love will not erase the bad things you did and said to me. You hurt me and now that I moving on, you want to hold me back. Sorry, but I dont want to live like that.

Tell him I don't ever want to see him again. Tell him he meant nothing to me. Tell him I never loved him. Tell him I won't miss him at all. But please don't tell him I said all this with tears in my eyes.

It breaks my heart to see the person who I thought was my best friend, forget about me, lie to me, ignore me and just leave me alone without a warning.

Moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. It's about having the strength to say I still love you, but you're not worth this pain.