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I used to think enemies were the worst people in the world, but that was until I met fake friends and realized that they're a lot worse. I was here, there and everywhere for you, but when I needed you to be somewhere you were nowhere to be found. The greatest realization one can come to in life, is when you realize who you can trust with your life, who truly cares about you and who only used you!!! An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies. Pay less attention to what people say and more attention to what...

Sarcastic    Fuck Off   Attitude   Jealousy


In life you need one thing to survive: The ability to realize shit happens. You step in it. Accept it, get over it and keep moving. When I don't see you, I'm perfectly fine and I can move on. But the second I see your face, I'm back to wishing you were mine again. I've got love for you. But let's be honest, you're not worth the fight any more. Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next. Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do. Because...

Haters   Shit Talking   Attitude   Being Real


You always want the one you can never have,but the one you can have.... you treat them like they're nothing.When you meet someone you never think about how they will impact your life. But when you look back, you realize that they've changed your life,for better or for worse.To move on you have to decide whether you're going to let them control your life or whether you're going to control it yourself.A real boy knows how to value a relationship... no matter how many girls come, he doesn't care! Because for him, his girl is the best..

Comlicated Relationship   Lies   Jealousy   Missing You


Once a cheater is always a cheater he/she will never change it is best to move on and never look back! People talk. People lie. People cheat. People change their ways. People do stupid things. People walk out of your life. People hurt you. People make you. People break you. People heal you. People save you. Life happens, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about any of it. 3 rules in a relationship: Dont lie, dont cheat and dont make promises you cant keep. Those who are constantly accusing...

Break up   Lies   Jealousy   Relationships


Some people accidentally walk on your feet and apologize, while others walk all over your heart and don't even realize. When the one you deeply love hurts you, it forever changes the way you deal with anyone that attempts to get close to you. Once you've been hurt once, you get scared to get attached again because you think everyone you love afterwards will hurt you. You hurt me and I still love you. I'd rather be single than cheated...

Being Real   Cheating   Break up   Lies   Jealousy