
Thursday 5 September 2013

Love You SO Much Quotes

All she wants is for you to say I love you and mean it :)

Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky.

If I die, tell him that I loved him.

I love everything about you besides the fact the you don't love me.

I love you, you don't love me, but that's fine, I'll be okay. I miss you, you don't miss me, but that's fine, I'll be okay. My heads filled with you, your heads filled with someone else, but that's fine, I'll be okay. I'll fight through it, even though it hurts now, it'll get better, I'm sure of it.

I should have never cared. But I did care. I cared a lot. And I still fucking care.

I dont regret the rain or the nights I felt the pain or the tears I had to cry some of those times along the way. For every road I had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something I had to do to get me to you.

There's nothing I would rather do than live my life in love with you... I love you - with all my heart, for all my life.

Every single time I try to forget about you, you always manage to pull me back in. Whether it's smiling at me, or even talking to me just for a second, I forget any thought of not liking you. So here it is. I like you. A lot. And although I might not be the perfect one for you and give you everything you want...I know I can give you enough everyday, just to make you happy.

I wish there were more minutes in an hour, more hours in a day, more days in a week, more weeks in a month, more months in a year, cause whatever there is now is not even close to enough time for me to love you...