
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Being Real Quotes

I understand girls talk behind my back...but the thing is, I'm real and that's something they lack.

Life's not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back.

People's bullshit and fakeness is the main reason why I got a small circle and I don't hang with different crews.

Shes classy, unlike other girls. She knows herself and she knows that shes not perfect but she spends her time having fun and doing the best with what shes got.

Don't believe everything you hear. Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.

I wish people would start being real. I'm tired of all these fakes images and personas people are portraying.

I'd rather fuck the truth, than love a lie.

Pretty words are not always true, and true words are not always pretty.

A Meaningful Life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It Is about being real, being humble, being strong and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. It Is only then that we could have a full, happy and contented life.

Gotta be real with yourself, before you can be real with others.