
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Being Real Quotes

Nobody's perfect. I may not be the most beautiful girl in the world with the perfect body, but I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in my past, but I'm proud of who I am today.

Being disliked is part of life, you can never satisfy everyone. But that was never my goal, I live for me, and only me.

Forget what you heard, recognize what you see..I know you heard the rumors..now here's the real me.

Being pretty doesn't mean that I'm dumb. As well as being silent in a situation doesn't mean that Im wise. Merely look at it my way; I'm pretty because of all the ugliness I've seen and dealt with and I'm silent in your wake because even an idiot knows when to bite their tongue!

I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realize that being open isn't the same as being weak.

I am who I am. I don't ever want to change for you or anyone else. I'm not perfect. I run into things. I trip. I spill food. I fail sometimes. I say stupid things. But that's just me. If I want to change, I'll change for myself and not for you or anyone else.

It's not about who is real to your face, it's about who stays real behind your back.

Always speak how you feel and never be sorry for being real....

In the end you will see who's fake, who's true, and who you would risk it all for.