
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Being Real Quotes

I don't believe in 'breaks' during a relationship. If you want a break we'll 'break' up.

Im too lazy too be fake. Being real takes alot less effort, I dont have to do anything besides be myself.

Yeah, some things in this world might have passed me by and I might have missed a chance or two but you wont find any regrets in my eyes.

I know what happens to people who get bullied, they end up thinking they really are no good! It doesn't matter that they work so hard they fall asleep at their desks, it's still never enough! They get timid and jumpy and make wrong decisions, and that means more bullying because, you see, the bully is never going to stop, whatever they do. The person being bullied will do anything to make it stop, but it never will! I'm not going to put up with that.

If you can't be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself.

Honestly, I miss the feeling of having a sweet boy who would stick around after seeing me in every way I can be and not take me for granted. Someone I can tell everything to like a bestfriend but cuddle with afterwards, and someone whos smile keeps me wanting more.

The truth can be hard to swallow, but it's always best to embrace it, no matter how hard you want to keep living in a fantasy. Get real with yourself. If you can't, ask a friend for a reality check.

Lets face it, everyone trys to be strong and act like nothing ever goes bad in their life, but in reality we all struggle and need help once in a while...Its okay to cry, laugh and ask for help because no one is perfect!

If you cant handle the truth, dont ask me to be honest.