
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Being Real Quotes

Don't expect me to be real if you cant handle My truth.

I get jealous, I get mad, I get worried, I get curious. But thats only because I dont wanna lose you, I love You.

You can make whatever you want out of YOUR life, but first you have to not be afraid to try.

I would prefer a rude and true friend than a sweet liar.

Being real sometimes means being able to admit that you're wrong. It shows strength in character, not weakness.

True friends say good things behind you back and bad things to your face.

I'm a weird girl. But I'd rather be weird than boring. It just means I'm more unique than you normal people.

If you dont know, please ask. If you dont agree, argue. If you dont like it, please say it. But don't sit there quiet and judge me.

I date to marry. Not to fool around. So if I can't see it happening, sorry, but it's not happening. I don't want to waste your time or mine.

A real girl isn't perfect, and a perfect girl isn't real.