
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Shit Talking Quotes

I spy with my little eye...bitches everywhere who are bored with their lives and love to spread lies.

You are the definition of a squirrel... your only happy when you have nuts in your mouth

She's the village bicycle, everyone's had a ride.

I'm not saying she's a slut, but if you kicked her in the vagina, you'd lose a shoe.

Bitch please, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

My back is not a voicemail. Say it to my face bitch.

Oh you're talking to me, I thought you only spoke behind my back!

I'm no gynecologist, but I sure know a cunt when I see one.

I hate when someone talks shit about a person behind their back and calls them fake, but when that person happens to pass by, they play a role as a complete kiss ass, so who's fake now?

Bitch please. You're as useless as the G in Lasagna.