
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Shit Talking Quotes

I'm not calling you a slut I'm calling you a penny; because your two faced, worthless, and in everybody's pants!

Bitch please, if dicks could fly, your mouth would be an airport.

Instead of talking shit behind my back, be tough enough and say it to my face.

I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one.

You must've been born on a highway because that is where most accidents happen.

You can always tell when someone is jealous of you, if they only speak when they have something negative to say.

If you're going to talk shit at least spell correctly.

She's a HOE because guys find her attractive; she's SCARY because she doesn't participate in your shit talking drama; and she's UGLY because you dislike her...Instead of focusing on the NEXT ladies life focus on your own.

She a hoe cause your boyfriend want her? She scary cause she dont talk shit like y'all? She ugly cause you don't like her? GROW THE FUCK UP.

Today is national animal day. Please take a moment to remember your ex.