
Friday 13 September 2013

Relationship Quotes

I like the whole single, party, fun, flirty thing. But I love the whole taken, he loves me more.

I'm sorry I mistook all our laughs, long nights, sweet texts and inside jokes as you caring. I'll think twice before wasting my time again.

When a girl says 'I'm done' it really means 'fight for me'.

A Real man takes care of his kids no matter what the relationship is with the mother of his child...

Find someone that isn't afraid to admit they miss you. Someone that knows you're not perfect but treats you as if you are. Someone who couldn't imagine losing you. Someone who gives their heart to you completely. Someone who says I love you and proves it. Last but not least, find someone who wouldn't mind waking up to you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and grey hair but still falls in love with you all over again...

Waiting for you to come back home to me is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I love you, my soldier, my hero, my husband.

I know that you'll never read this and I don't even care. But I think I have to express exactly how I feel. I don't care if you reject me, ignore me, and forget all about me. I just have to tell you before it's too late. I been taking forever because you hurt me and deserted me. It's not a big deal at all...to you. I can find someone else easily. But the thing is, I really don't want to. I don't understand what happened between us. Maybe it's because you found someone better than me... You just don't realize how much that hurt me. I honestly want to forget about you, but that's my problem. I can't. You've never gave me a real apology, you just cared about yourself and left me there to figure it all out. And now I have: You got sick of me, found someone better than me, dumped me, dated her, ignored me, befriended me, and now you've forgotten about me.

Distance means so little when someone means so much.

Me plus you. Multiply by your smile. Minus the drama. A fraction of your heart. I'll solve your problems. We make the Perfect Equation.

Cheating on a girl is deeper than people realize. It destroys her outlook on love, her future relationships and peace within herself.