
Thursday 5 September 2013

Love You SO Much Quotes

A guy and his girl were standing in front of a mirror: The girl asked, 'What do you see?' The guy smiled and said, 'The rest of my life.'

If my love was a well, you would never go thirsty. If my love was a fire, you would never be cold. If my love was a star, you would never be left in the dark.

I keep telling myself that I'm done trying so hard to get you back, but really I know that I'll never stop because, I love you too much to give up.

Every night I thank God for giving me you.

Everytime I look at you, I can see my future...

I love you more than you know, and I'm hoping you love me more than you show.

For all the nights I shed tears, I didn't have to worry, you were always there. You make me smile all the time. Your the reason that the sun shines.

I want you to look at me like you've never looked at anyone else. I want you to look at me like I have something other girls don't.

It's funny how I can't remember what I had for dinner last night, but I always remember every last detail of what happens when I'm with you.

Sometimes I wonder if life is really worth it, then I look at your smile and I KNOW it is.