
Thursday 5 September 2013

Jealousy Quotes

Isn't it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?

Girl rule: If she talks to my boyfriend, I hate her and she's a whore.

Sometimes people hate you not because you did something wrong but because you're better than them and they cannot beat you.

No matter how great you are, not everybody is going to like you. Thats life.

Never hate those people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they are the ones who think that you are better than them...

It amazes me still to today how when someone leaves somebody and realizes that the other person is doing just lovely without them they do everything they can possibly imagine to get them back. Thats why when have a good person right in front of you its always best appeciate that person. Because if not, that person can end up slipping away, and becoming history on your ass!

The annoying moment when your friend is a friend with the person you hate.

Before you hate on me take a GOOD LOOK at you. Don't you have something BETTER to do? Seems to me you just don't understand IGNORANCE and JEALOUSY go hand in hand.

Jealousy is a terrible disease please Get well soon bitch!

Haters stay mad because they can't have the attention you have!