
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Haters Quotes

Haters dont hate you, They hate themselves , cause you are a clear reflection of what they aspire to be.

If they want to watch you and judge you give them something to watch. Let your enemies watch you chase your goals and dreams.

Smile to your haters! Let them know that they can't bring you down. It's a sweet revenge

They don't hate you. They hate themselves and take it out on you. There's a difference.

If people criticize you, hurt you or shout at you. Don't bother just remember that in every game audience make the noise not the players.

I hate the haters that say you arent right for me. Because you and I both know that they are just jealous of our love, of the days we spent at the park, looking into each others eyes. They know we should have been, could've been, would've been what they want. And now, now I cant see you. I miss you.

They hate you if you're pretty, they hate you if you're not. They hate you for what you lack, and they hate you for what you got. SO BE YOU.

HATING is an emotional disease... so for those who hate me... Hope you get well soon...

All you have to do in life is smile, look forward and ignore the bitch talking shit behind you

Sometimes people try to expose what's wrong with you, because they can't handle what's right about you...