
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Shit Talking Quotes

I can't be mean to you. It's love animals week.

Hoes were jealous, but wouldn't admit it. Talk shit, and deny to everyone that they did it.

I got all those bitches...SHAKING IN FEAR! Quick to talk shit...YET SCARED TO COME NEAR!

Don't worry about me or what I do. What happens in my life has nothing to do with you. So keep your mouth shut and stop talkin' shit, because I'm sick of you bitchin' and all you bullshit.

Its funny how the people who know me the least have the most to say.

For all of the people who talk about me and think it's effecting me... it's alright... I just sit back and think to myself...damn, I've got myself a fanclub.

Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back, because it simply means you are twice as far ahead.

Dealing with shit talkers, theres one thing I've learned...They're only powerfull when you got your back turned.

The only way you'd win is if they gave a medal for sh!t talkers.

People are gonna talk about me, especially when they envy me. I might as well let them talk, because somehow I apparently managed to affect their livesalthough I certainly have NO intention of letting them affect mine.