
Thursday 5 September 2013

Jealousy Quotes

Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!

A jealous husband doesnt doubt his wife, but himself.

Dear girls, I know some of you guys compare yourselves to other girls, wishing you were photogenic like them, wishing you could look pretty without trying like them, wishing you had facial features like them, wishing you had physical features like them, & then you look in the mirror & say 'Why do I look like this & not like that.' Well, let me tell you this. Don't try to be like them, be like yourself. I can promise you, there is a guy out there right now who thinks you are beautiful exactly the way you are, & thinks you're prettier than the girls you compare yourselves to. Don't change a damn thing about yourself. You're perfect. Sincerely, a guy.

Delicious lips, devil stare, I got all them bitches screaming, "It ain't fair!"

Haters really dont have their own lifes actually. Why? Because they are so focused to live in yours.

Ignore the people who diss you and focus on the people who miss you.

People lie, things change, boyfriends cheat, friends ditch and there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

People call it 'jealousy' I call it 'fear of losing you.'

She's jealous because she's afraid you'll find someone prettier, smarter, taller, skinnier, calmer, stronger, and better than her.

People will wish you all the success in the world, and then they hate you when you get it.