
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Attitude Quotes

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place...

I'm not doing anything special... Just struggling with my present to make my future enjoyable.

Sometimes I wish there was a backspace key for my mouth.

PMS allows a woman once a month to act like men do every day.

There are only two things that shape your life: people around you and your attitude.

Everyone loves to critize others and judge in wrong ways. They never seen themselves first before judging people that actually trying to be nice to them. Most of time what they judge are appeareance and attitude. But they never realize they are also imperfect just everybody else.

Sometimes outer beauty, no matter how abundant, cannot mask the ugliness you try to hide inside. Get to know someone before you decide they truly are beautiful.

The more you point out someone else's flaws, the more you emphasize your own..

Beauty is more than just looks... It's about how you present yourself, how you speak, how you interact with people..

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.