
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Attitude Quotes

Don't ever doubt your awesomeness; remind yourself of who you are. Awesomeness is in your DNA. You are naturally awesome. Allow yourself to be natural. Be cool, be you, have fun.

You can't have a good day with a bad attitude, and you can't have a bad day with a good attitude.

If you don't know, then ask me. If you don't agree, then argue with me. If you don't like, then say it to me. But don't keep silent and judge me.

I am not single I am not committed, I am reserved for the one who deserves!!

Well aren't you being a Cunt-a-saurus Rex today.

Two things that can measure who you really are: The way you manage when you have nothing and the way you behave when you have everything.

A positive spirit and a positive attitude can ONLY amount to a positive OUTCOME...

Some believe in Destiny and Some believe in Fate, But I believe that Happiness is something we Create!

I've had enough of trying to prove myself to people. Now I don't care about what people think as long as I'm happy with myself!

No, I'm not a bitch. I just don't care anymore. I'm sick of taking down my walls for people that want to hurt me. I'm sick of caring about people who don't even know I exist. I've been hurt so many times that I don't want it to happen anymore. So maybe I'm a bit bitter, but I'm not a bitch. Just hurt.