
Sunday 1 September 2013

Wise Quotes

Disappointment is just the Distance between Expectation & Reality. So either Expect less & Accept the Reality OR Expect a lot & Turn into a Reality”

Worries are like birds, let them fly over you.. But Do not give them a chance to build a ‘NEST’ On your head

Even My Pillow Understands Me And Makes Itself Dry For Next Day To Make Me Comfortable But Not The Person Who Made Me Cry..”

Wen GOD takes away something 4rom ur hand, dont think He is punishing u he is merely emptying ur hand, for YOU 2 receive something better. Have Faith on GOD!!!

Shakespear Said. “Love me, or Hate me, Both are in my favour, If ull love me i’ll always be in ur Heart, If ull hate me i’ll always be in ur Mind.

When someone trying to impres u…. It mean He/She is already impressed by you.

Successs iz like ur own shadow, if u try 2 catch then u ll never succeed, ignore it & walk in ur own way.. it wil follow you.

The taste of water can be enjoyed only when we are thirsty… Same way, the affection of a sincere person will be felt when we are Alone… Definition of trust…

Life is such a game that you have to play. In this game there could be many players, if you’ll not play with them, they’ll play with you.”