
Friday 27 September 2013

Wise Quotes

Mistake increase your experience and experience decrease your mistakes You learn from mistakes While the other learn from your sucsess.

Life never turns the way we want. But
we live it in the best way we can. There’s no perfect life, But we can Fill it with perfect moments

If there is some work which you think you are not able to finish,imagine every day for few minutes that you have successfully finished the work..

The person who loves you a lot will always do TWO things EXTREMELY for you Silently CARING & Openly HURTING to make you PERFECT.

The best relation works out when: U fight like a married couple, U talk like best frnds. U flirt like first lovers & protect each other like tom & jerry.

Try to make at least two persons happy in a day But Make sure that one of them is YOURSELF

changing the face” can change nothing .. but “facing the change” can change everything..!!!!

A hopeless person feels difficulty in every chance” & “A hopeful person feels a chance in every difficulty”

Silent lips may avoid many problems, But smiling lips may solve many problems, So always have a smile on ur face in the beautiful journey called “LIFE”

The weakest part of a relation comes when one of the person has to give explanation to prove the trust”..!