
Friday 9 May 2014

funny quotes

Laughter is the best medicine. But if you're aughing without any reason, you need medicine.

After Drinking, Men talk Unnecessarily, become emotional,
Drive badly, Stop thinking, Fight for nothing.
Hats off to Women..
They can do all these WITHOUT DRINKING! :-*

Only Two Things Can Change a Woman’s Mood:

1. I Love You!

2. Less 50% Discount..:)

Dying husband asks his wife: “Our 7th child always looked different
frm the other 6, did he have a different father?”

wife: (crying) ....yes…yes...

husband: who?

wife: you…:))

GF: look at my face, does it look like I care?

BF: Well by looking at your face, God didn’t care either.:))

They say that nobody is perfect, then they say
that practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make
up their minds.

Newtons third law of love: For every Idiot, there
is an equal and opposite Gender Idiot!

True friends do not judge each other,
they judge people together.

Facebook should have a limit on how many times
a relationship status can be change ... after 3 times
it should be change default to UNSTABLE!

A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.
An optimist is one who hopes they are.